
Menampilkan postingan dari September 11, 2016


RA, ketika itu penyanyi yang sedang melejit namanya di tahun 90 an dan 2000 awal semua lagunya menjadi hits... Beberapa tahun membina pernikahan dengan AMS , dikarunia Tuhan  2 anak anak cantik , yang ketika itu masih kecil. Namun kebahagiaan hadirnya anak tidak menjamin keutuhan dalam langkah selanjutnya. Tiba tiba semua menjadi runyam. Ada apa ini? Memiliki lelaki ganteng, baik, anggota DPR, meski mungkin waktu masih single nya bengal karena banyak punya pacar.. tapi Tiba tiba saja seperti hilang arah.... karena tekanan media dan masyarakat, tiba tiba menghilang di bandara sepulang show dari Surabaya? Bodoh?? Iya.. punya suara emas, cantik dan sedang naik daun.. tiba tiba lenyap terhempas dan jatuh ke pelukan laki laki modus macam AGB. Jika laki laki ini memuliakan dan kembali membuat hidupnya lebih baik mungkin bisa kita appresiasi. Sayangnya.. puluhan tahun belajar di Padepokan, bukan belajar agama yang benar. Tidak menyadari diri tersesat dan menjalani anomali dalam p...

Lelaki Hebat mendampingi Wanita Hebat dan Mulia Hatinya

Jumat minggu lalu aku bertemu wanita hebat.. seorang Public Notariat cantik bersahaja. Terlahir di salah satu desa dekat dengan tempat tinggalku dan tanah kelahiranku - Bayat. Basic kami sama terlahir di sebuah desa yang memiliki kekayaan cultur membina keharmonisan warganya. Rasa kasih dan tepo seliro tentunya menjadi hal yang sangat di junjung tinggi.  Orang tua-nya berprofesi sebagai pengusaha ternak di Bayat. Ketika kami flash back ke masa dulu, bahwasanya ibu saya sangat keras dalam melarang saya berteman dekat dengan laki laki alias berpacaran. Sebaliknya dia ketika SMA sudah berpacaran dengan kakak kelasnya di SMA 3 Yogya. Sosok yang sekarang ini menjadi menantu Sri Sultan, dan beberapa tahun lalu di angkat sebagai Kanjeng Pangeran Haryo Angger Pribadi Wibawa. Apakah ada yang aneh dengan ceritanya? Tidak aneh, tapi its very interesting. 6 tahun dia berpacaran dengan mas Bawa ini.. seorang gadis sederhana, cerdas, cantik dan baik... Lulusan Fak Hukum UGM 1999 ...

Hilang nya HP Kesayangan

Sedih. Merenung.. setelah arisan dengan Ibu2 dengan dress code merah di salah satu resto Korea, aku mba Iin and anaknya, kami  berencana ke Hypermart. Evo berbelok ke Gramedia kids.. aku mencoba posting dan upload hasil foto ke grup setelah mindahin foto2 dari hp kesayanganku Oppo Mirror. Saat ke toilet.. inilah letak kecerobohanku, hp tersebut tidak aku masukkan ke tas, namun  aku taruh di sebelah tas di lantai yang sangat bersih. Mall ini sangat menjaga kebersihan toiletnya.. Saat berjalan kembali ke gramedia, dan sempat ketemu dengan ibu ibu yang lain lagi.. entah... tiba tiba hp tersebut raib gitu aja. Allah Yang Maha Pengasih Semoga Engkau mengampuni orang yang mengambil hp tersebut, dan mencurahkan rahmat kepadanya.. juga kepadaku dan keluargaku... Akhirnya.. aku membeli hp baru merek yang sama... Alhamdullillah, Tuhan masih memberikan rejeki Dan ini semakin membuatku untuk lebih hati hati dan tidak ceroboh. Selalu masukkan ke tas, tidak usah di tenteng tenteng hp...

Secret to Manifest your dream life

Hi  Susi, How many of us do what is best for us and what we really want to do? How many of us are happy and fulfilled with the way we live our lives? Do you sometimes feel that you got a lot of things to do, but you never have time for the really important things in your life? Then you need to simplify the way you live. We have found that there are some signs that appear when you’re about to lose the true meaning of life and we waste precious moments in doing useless things: Related post:  Number 1 secret to manifest your dream life   Projecting our moments of happiness in the future. Be aware that our time is limited o this planet. So, don’t waste your time waiting for the next day, because you will never get today back. If you feel unworthy today, there are limited chances to change your mind about you tomorrow. That’s why you have to start right now to do what really matters for you to feel ali...

How to FORCE the universe to give you the life of your dreams

  Hi Susi, Do you wish for better things in your life but don't really believe it will come true? What if it could? What if you could FORCE the universe to give you the life of your dreams - money, happiness, success, and more... Follow this link to discover how: ==> How to FORCE the universe to give you the life of your dreams I am talking about the kind of life that most people only ever fantasize and dream about. But for most it is only a dream... they don't dare to imagine how to make that dream a reality. But you're different, aren't you... You want more. I can show you how: ==> How to FORCE the universe to give you the life of your dreams It wasn't an easy path to success for my friend Heather. But along her journey she discovered a secret that will help others avoid the disappointment and frustration she felt at not knowing how to fully utilize the Law of Attraction. She discovered a shortcut. And it works! ...

5 Things Gratitude Can Do for You..

Smile in every single step life You’d be amazed at how  two little words  can change so much. Saying  ‘thank you’  to someone, even to yourself, can give you so much more than if you rant about something that annoys you or when you criticize. The benefits of  expressing gratitude  will not only affect you, but it will also  ripple  through time infinitely. This isn’t one of those things you say that seem to lose its meaning the more you say them. Practicing gratitude  everyday  will definitely make you and those around you, better people. Below are just some of the things that gratitude can do for you. #1. Increases self-esteem When you count your blessings in life, when you’re  thankful  for the things you have, the people who surround you, you’re more able to make yourself  believe  that life is indeed good. When life is good, you begin to see yourself as  worthy  of that life. You...

How To Say Yes - LOA

When you are asked a question, does your mind immediately go to a negative answer? How about a non-committal answer? Do you find it difficult to say yes to people? If you said ‘ yes ’ to any of the above questions, ironically, you have a problem saying “ YES !”. Fear will always try to get the  best  of you. And it usually does. It’s quite hard to sway your mind to think  positively  when it’s easier to gravitate towards what is easier to believe–which are the bad things. So just to nudge you over to the light side, here are a few things you should remember about saying yes. Nothing to lose Yes, sometimes you lose stability or comfort when you say yes to things like a new job, a new house, or a new partner, but the benefits almost always outweighs the risks. By saying no, you  risk  being stagnant. That’s the worst thing that could happen to you. Not failing, not getting proved wrong. It’s dangerous to not want to  take ri...

Evaluate your Life... (Law of Attration letters)

From time to time, we need to stop and re-evaluate our lives. We do this so we know that we are still on the right track, the track we want to be on. Sometimes you can’t help but feel lost, especially if you’re in a transition of some kind or you’re thinking about it. In your confusion, you need to be aware of a few things. You need to be able to ask yourself the right questions to help you clarify your life. Below are such questions that can help you figure out some things in your life: 1. Am I happy with who I am? We all ask ourselves about happiness, if we’re happy about our life in general, but we need to specifically ask ourselves if we’re happy with the person we are at this moment. It’s important that you find happiness in the person you’ve become. You have gone through the things that you have gone through to make you who you are and if you’re not happy or you have not made peace with it, then there’s much room for improvement. Don’t let a day pass w...