DONOR DARAH - Amec Berca Indonesia

Ini 1 Feb 2013,

Rencana CSR ini sudah sejak awal join di ABI bergulir, hanya saja karena aktivitas HR yang cukup padat baru di dengungkan lagi sama pak bos awal 2012 lalu..., dan karena PMI juga cukup sibuk melayani banyak institusi, organisasi masyarakat yang akan bekerjasama, barulah kemarin 29 Jan 2013, setelah tertunda selama satu kali, acara DONOR DARAH SAVE MY LIFE - PT. Amec Berca ini bisa terwujud.

Melibatkan anak-anak fresh Engineer dalam jajaran GPP (Graduate Profesional Program), acara ini lancar, dan bisa di bilang achieved target.

Pak Bos puas, sayapun lemas. Lemasnya karena pak bos semakin hari semakin tidak mendapat simpati karena keanehannya memperlakukan subordinate.

Dari kiri berdiri: Arna, Marylyn, Mediatrix, Me (Susi), Arissa, Elviera, Didik Pramuji
Belakang Zaynatun Ulfa, Alfa Aldebaren, Shaka
Depan: Daniel, Dedy

Anak-anak GPP tadi kita recruited di kampus UI setahun lalu, tepatnya bulan Mei 2012. Beberapa diantaranya fast learner dan pintar.

Ini news letter yg akan kita submit ke Amec Pusat:

ABI Blood Drive that was held last 29 January 2013 was part of the ABI’s company social responsibility (CSR) program. It was originally planned to be held on December 2012, however, due to the tight schedule during the month of December, thus the Indonesian Red Cross blood service just became available on January 2013. There was a small committee made to run the program that was engineered by HR team with the Graduate Professional Programs that was recruited last August 2012 as members and was chaired by Didik Pramuji (Instrument Engineer).

The event took place at ABI’s office on the 6th floor of CCM building and run for 3 hours from 8:30-11.30a.m. The participants who came were not only of ABI’s employees, but also from the other offices around the neighborhood area. In total there were 106 registrants, and from that number 72 people were successfully taken for their blood, while the remaining 34 people were failed during the preliminary check-up, mostly for the reason of the low count on their red blood cells.

Below is the small summary table of the blood bags that managed to be collected during the blood drive:

Blood Type Blood Bags Count

A 16

B 23

AB 4

O 29

Seeing the great response for the event from the attendees, hence the management plans to make this as a regular event, which might be repeated for every six months.

Sukses ya my Team.


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