3rd Email - Law of Attraction

I had to postpone your email about testing your science of attractions kills and how you can manifest your big dream (you still remember it right?)

Ok, good:)

The reason I had to postpone is because after I sent out the email yesterday about Sarah and her miraculous success with Origins..

So many people emailed me back with questions about my new Origins program that I had to put everything else on hold and asnwer them.

If you still need help understanding why Origins might be the one single thing that transforms your lif then this should inspire you!

Here, I've picked the five most popular ones...

First question.. " How do I get Origins? Is it a book? Do I have to wait for you to mail it to me? Thanks, Pauline"

Excellent question Paulien

Get this..

Thanks to the wonders of the Internet you can consume 100% Origins online with instant access. That means you dont have to wait a single day.  Not to mention, you can start USING Origins right away.

And see your self getting fantastic result in minutes (not days after waiting for the mail man).

Second, Mary writes :

Katehrine, Ive literally tried everything, What makes you so sure this "Intention Point" thing you keep talking about will really work for me? I cant stand to fall again. It drives me crazy to think about. thank you for all you do Marry".

My reply... 
You re very WELCOME Mary!

The answer is simple..
Your Intention Point is the connecting ground between your Hearth and your Mind.

You see, BOTH are necessary to manifest properly, and using your Intention Point, you cna do things you never though were possible before. You will feel your Heart clear your Mind of its non stop chatter, suffering and subsconscious pain.

Part of that is learning how to open up and let go of old feelings, and when you do, by using the techniques inside of Origins, I'm sure you'll never see "failure" in the same way again.

Thats why you must connect with your "original" state of abundance..

That fearless, flawless energy you felt as a child. The power we call your "Origins". But it only works if you use it. Next James said...

" Can you imagine this working in my financial situation? My relationship and health have been sloping downhill since I lost my job".

Here's what I said...
"Yes James .. .YES"..

Being able to discover financial abundance is wlaways a blessing in people's lives.

They say "money doesnt  buy happiness" - but in this day and age..

It does buy confort and feelings of being safe, stable and free.

The Law of Attraction is the most powerful force in the Universe able to help you manifest the safety, stability and feeling of freedom you desire.

But only if you apply this power in a very specific way!

Next Dawn wrote me this..

"Katherine, I am a bit low on funds. I really want your program but what if it doenst give me what I need? What do I do then? Thanks, Dawn".

Hi Dawn.. I totally undestand. Origins is not everyone. In fact, acout 6% of people who buy Origins decide its not for them.


For starters, some people try it, and because they are so overcome with anxiety.. They give up without giving it a chance to work (like not seeing result in 60 seconds like the "gimmick" programs promise you)...

Or they buy it and never actually "try" anything inside. While this breaks my hear, it happens and I accept that.

Enroll now. Go through every text,  audio and video inside. Do it twice if you'd like! Put the technique to work for YOU. Give yourself a chance to receive what you ask for..

If you are not jumping over backwards with joy over this program.

Simply email our Customer Happines Team and you will get every penny back. We have millions of raving fans who swewar by Origins, so I wont take it personally if you decide to ask for a refund. 

Lasly, Zoe asks... " Ok be honest, $49 seems really low for how big this program is. Is this a one time offer?"

No. Zoe, , its not a one time offer.. But the retail price IS $99, and I dont know when this offer will be online.

So I'd hurry and get it now if I were you...

So to answer your question.. The reason Origins is priced so low right now.. Is because your happiness is really not about money for me. I mean, yes..

Origins is about six times more valuable than you can get it today..
And yes, that IS a really great deal ..
But honetslty, $49 is just about what it costs to go out for a night on the town now a days..

And for that, all I'm asking is that you spend one night with Origins by making a commitment to making YOURSELF happy (instead of someone else)..

In other words, I make it so affordable because I want you to have every chance possible to change your life, no excuses because your results are guaranteed).

I hope that answers your question Dawn!
Now YOU, Susilaningsih, can enroll in Origins now, while the low price of $49 is available (and while you still get so many life changing gifts just for giving it a risk free try(.

Please dont delay. The longer you wait, the more mundane your life will stay.. 

And the higher chance you will have to never get what you want.

We both know you deserve more.

With love, 


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